Saturday, June 14, 2008

Wohoo! Ms.'05 Magenta Arrived!!:)

I am currently studying hard for my last finals and got this gorgeous beauty in the mail a few days ago which truly brightened my day- or week, or year!! :)

I had no idea how truly gorgeous '05 Magenta is until I opened the dustbag and was simply stunned!Truly nothing compares- now I finally understand what everyone was talking about! I also realized that, even though my '08 Magenta Work was gorgeous and both '08 Magenta as well as Amethyst are very pretty colors, I always ended up really wanting the original '05 Magenta.

I am beyond excited about this purchase and once again have to admit that '05 was the best Bal year ever and will probably always be!

Enjoy the pics! 

P.S. I really miss my '05 Turquoise Work now! 


Terren said...

i am bursting with jealousy over your amazing balenciaga collection!

anyway, love the magenta! :]


Where do you order them from? I always hear they are sold out. :(

LittleSclicesOfHeaven said...

Aww, thank you, ladies! :)

Fashion Chalet, I just continuously check,,, ebay etc. HTH! :)