Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My "Go-To" Sunglasses!!

Living in sunny Australia is the best excuse for owning gorgeous sunglasses ;) I have a few more (Armani, Gucci etc.) but these two pairs are my absolute "Go-To" sunnies!<3

The Black Burberry ones are always timeless classy and chic a la Audrey and Jackie Kennedy and suit basically every occasion.

The DVB ones are just beyond amazing-they are very cool-effortless-chic and look fabulous on almost anyone- they're currently my favorite :)
Enjoy the pics! 


Sunglasses Guy said...

I'd have to go with the DVB ones. I think you could wear them anywhere.

How much did they set you back?

LittleSclicesOfHeaven said...

Thanks! :) Trust me, I do wear them anywhere! :P

They were around 140GPB. HTH :)